Thursday, February 10, 2011

A response to Quinn's email:

Christine C. Quinn
224 West 30th St (Suite 1206)
New York, NY 10001

Feb. 10th, 2011

Dear Mrs. Quinn,
     Years ago, when the re-zoning meetings first began regarding the block where PS 51 is, many parents voiced their opinions about the new school. We spoke of the things that we wanted in the new school, but also spoke of the concerns we had regarding the health and safety of our children if the project were to be approved. These concerns were never addressed. As plans moved forward, we continued to work on getting the spaces, classrooms, etc. necessary for the new school, but our concerns about the children were still voiced at every meeting. We asked about the air quality, noise control, time and duration of construction. We asked about having the children moved since the massive project, not just the new school, would envelope our children. For some reason, these concerns continued to go unanswered.

     In the letter you recently sent to your constituents you spoke of the “unprecedented” housing development that would take over the block. You spoke of how we “owe” our children the best learning complex possible. What you neglected to add is that we “OWE” it to our children to keep them healthy and safe. How can you justify leaving 330 children in a 100 year-old building that “lacks all the modern necessary functions” including insufficient air circulation, a school that is already over capacity, during this “unprecedented,” enormous construction project?

    In one paragraph you spoke of how you will continue to explore the possibility of moving the PS 51 school, then said you have explored it, then you said unfortunately construction has already started and stopping it could cause the project to be cancelled. So, in essence, what you are telling us is that you know the parents want to have the children moved, have looked at that possibility, not taken action, and are going ahead with the project that will jeopardize the health and safety of the children.

     Other schools in NYC have been moved with less necessity. Moves due to overcrowding (Clinton Middle School), moves because the construction could be intrusive (PS 133) and yet the construction that will envelope PS 51, this “unprecedented,” “one of a kind” development, is not cause enough? If, as you stated, our concerns for our children causes the construction of the new school to be halted, do you think that the parents will stop fighting to have the school moved?  There will still be “unprecedented” construction all around them. Therefore, we will not have a new school and you will still have the parents fighting to have the children moved. If this were to happen in a more affluent neighborhood, you would have already moved the children. Do not think that because our school is comprised of low-income families that we will not fight for our children.

   Regarding the task force meetings, you spoke of how the PTA is a part of it; however, these people are not properly voicing our concerns to you at these meetings.   You have meetings comprised of all the people who are only thinking of the new school, the new development, and how great that is going to be for everyone, except the children that will be stricken with future illness or possible learning failures due to your achievement.

   You said that this Task Force will “ensure that all issues are addressed before they have a chance to become a problem,” well Mrs. Quinn the issue of our children’s health and safety is already a problem and you are not addressing it. You are not taking a stand for our children. You are choosing to cater to the developers instead of taking care of your current community.  You have taken our trust in you and the city officials and thrown it out the window. When you didn’t address our concerns years ago, we trusted that you would address them when the time was upon us. We trusted that you would do right by the children and you have failed.

  Take a moment to think about these little kids who get one shot at going to kindergarten, one shot at taking the state tests, one shot to experience 5th grade. You are taking something away from them that they will never get back. Don’t do this to them, don’t be that kind of politician. Don’t be the person who allows these kids to be surrounded with dust, debris, shaking, insurmountable noise and having to learn by teachers that are forced to shout at them so they can hear; having future health problems due to the carcinogens that were found in the soil on the new school site and surrounding lots. Don’t. Don’t.


Fightfor51 (growing larger everyday)

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